Saturday, January 30, 2016

January Playlist | 2016

Can you believe it's the end of January? Actually now that I am thinking more about it, yes, I can. January went by so slowly for me, I just felt like the days went on and on. I guess that must have been because I spent the majority of January in my bed listening to some awesome tunes. No seriously, I have been listening to music non stop 24/7, and I have developed a new found love for Sound Cloud. I FRICKIN LOVE THAT WEBSITE! I have the app on my phone and it allows me to do everything I want on my phone with the music playing in the background (which you can't do with Youtube) so you can say I was livin'. If you want you can follow me here. With that being said the links for the individual songs will take you to the Sound Cloud site so keep that in mind. Anyways, let's begin cause I have 10 amazing songs that are all worth listening to. 

Starting things off with the band that has been my favorite these past few months - The Neighbourhood. In my last post I wrote how I don't think I'm cool enough to listen to their songs and I honestly still think that haha. "Cry Baby" is this months pick, a song that probably most of you have already heard. Oh and I have a new goal in life - Go to a "The Neighbourhood" concert - even if it means selling your kidney.

Remember that guy that sung the hook in "Hold On We're Going Home"? Yeah "he" is actually a duo, and one that makes damn good music! Starting my obsession with "A Place Like This" , the perfect chill out song. By now you know that 80% of the music I listen to I describe as "chill" and I don't know if I am doing the song justice when I describe it like that, but for me it means a no hassle song and no over exaggerating cause I'm not about someone screaming in my ear. I like soothing voices and vibes, something that this song definitely has.

"Get You Good"  has the most addictive beat ever. You listen to this song and you can't not get into it. Head starts to nod, hands start to do the "Rolling with the homies" and it's a fun time. Props to Roy Wood$ for making me channel my inner Tai. (10 points for me for that "Mean Girls" reference)

Up next is probably the most replayed song of January - "Peach Arizona". Maybe it was the fact that I was craving some peach Arizona or maybe it was the overall coolness of this song. The producer of this song is a 16 year old lemme just say that. This one is less about the vocals and more about the music portion. Just listen to this one PLEASE!

"Too Deep" was a last addition to the playlist but I just had to share it with you guys. Delilah is known for her sultry style (example - "Go") and this track is no exception. RITUAL is a new band to me and I am still exploring their music and vibe but so far I like what I am hearing.

And of course Banks is on the playlist YET AGAIN! I love this woman! Every time I listen to one of her songs I get so into it, I analyze every part of it, it's lit. "Drowning" is SOO GOOD! I especially like the ending where the last bridge and outro overlap, I think that is a smart touch to the song.Plus I've spent around 4 years of my life in school choirs so things like that I appreciate.

"Waking Up" (Acoustic) is such a cute song! I really like the singers voice, so calming and nice to the ear. Since this is an acoustic version it is quite calm but not to the point of being boring, which can sometimes happen when a person releases an acoustic version. Must listen.

Up next is "Crossfire" by Stephen. This is most probably the song you've never heard, but going to love due to the bad-ass-ness of it. That chorus is so.damn.badass. From the very first listen I was like "Oh no.This is going to be on replay for days on end". And of course I was right.Every time I listen to it I can just imagine it being in the background to a very intense scene of some TV series like "The 100" for example.

"Hold me" by Janine and the Mixtape. Okay so I am not one for sappy songs but this one is SO BEAUTIFUL I just, I need a minute. It so emotional and sad. This song makes me sad, and that's okay! We all need one like that once in a while.

On the playlist is another song from Stephen. "Fly Down" is... an experience. I think that Stephen was still discovering his sound (he has very little songs out) when he created this song, so it has a little bit of everything. It starts of as a lovely ballad and gradually turns to a dubstep song. But not an over exaggerated dubstep song, those are way to intense for my liking. I would recommend listening to this one, your thought process will look something like this: What a lovely ballad...Oh.. Oohh okay.. OOHHH OKAY.

I just realized that I missed out a song in the picture! I guess this is like a bonus song at the end for the lovely peeps who actually read these posts haha. Flume has low key always been on my music radar and when "Never Be Like You" popped up on my Sound Cloud I decided to have a listen. And of course I loved the up beat vibe it has and how it's just a fun song.

And that is the end of the playlist! Click HERE to listen to the whole playlist on Youtube, or click on the individual song titles.
Hope you enjoyed this post, talk to you soon!

Monday, January 25, 2016

SBSF x Irina Tosheva x Kariera Plus

This post is special to me because It is something that has been in the making since mid December last year, and I can finally share it!
I present to you the final results from my collaboration with Macedonian designer Irina Tosheva & Kariera Plus powered by Model TV Macedonia. Yeah crazy I know! I will break it down for you guys in the best way that I can. But first let me start of with stating that this look is completely new for me and out of my comfort zone,for sure. The only thing that I was in charge of was the styling of the outfit and the rest was left to the hands of the make up artists and hair dressers from Kariera Plus. It took some getting used to, but hey there's a first time for everything! The makeup was done by Marija Lenchevska.
We started off with choosing what piece from Irina Tosheva's collections we want to style, and I fell in love with this gorgeous tree patterned dress from her "Zebra" Collection. I still swoon over it to be honest haha. I decided to give it some edge with a simple leather jacket and black booties, something that I tend to do with most of my outfits. And next thing I know I'm in the Kariera Plus offices on a chilly Saturday morning with a bunch of other bloggers having a full on shoot. This feeling was surreal to me, I've never been in this kind of environment, getting my hair and make up done and basically playing next level dress up. Then, we had a fun photoshoot with the guys from Model TV Macedonia and to see a video from behind the scenes click HERE and to see the full gallery with all of the bloggers click HERE .
I would like to thank Irina Tosheva, Kariera Plus and Model TV Macedonia once again for this awesome opportunity.
I hope you enjoy the post.

Овој пост е специјален за мене затоа што е нешто што беше во подготовка уште од средина на Декември минатата година, и конечно можам да го споделам!
Ви го претставувам финалниот резултат од мојата соработка со дизајнерката Ирина Тошева и Центарот за креативни курсеви Кариера Плус, поддржано од Модел ТВ Македонија. Знам, лудо е нели?! Ќе пробам да го доловам моето искуство најдобро што можам, но би започнала со - Ова тотално е надвор од мојата комфорт зона. Ваквиот изглед е нешто сосема ново за мене и дефинитивно ми беше потребен момент за да го "впијам". Јас бев задолжена за стајлингот на облеката, другото беше оставено во вештите раце на шминкерите и фризерите од Кариера Плус. Но, постои прв пат за се, и ова искуство е нешто што никогаш не помислив дека ќе ми се случи и многу сум среќна заради тоа. Шминката е направена од страна на Марија Ленчевска,
Започнавме со избирање на парче облека од колекциите на Ирина, и јас се заљубив во овој ПРЕУБАВ фустан со принт од нејзината колекција "Зебра". Комбинацијата која веднаш ми падна на памет беше со кожна јакна и црни чизмички, нешто што ми станува навика при бирањето на комбинации. Следно нешто што се случува, Сабота наутро е и јас сум во просториите на Кариера Плус со уште неколку други блогерки, и се случува вистинска фотосесија! Ова чувство беше многу надреално за мене, никогаш до сега не сум била во ваква средина, едни шминкаат, други се сликаат, трети прават фризури. И потоа следуваше сликањето со дечките од Модел ТВ Македонија, и ТУКА можете да погледнете видео од позади сцената, а ТУКА можете да ги погледнете сите фотографии и од другите блогерки.
Би сакала да се заблагодарам уште еднаш на Ирина Тошева, Кариера Плус и Модел ТВ Македонија за оваа кул шанса.
Се надевам ќе ви се допадне постот.

Some behind the scenes snaps

Неколку "позади сцената" слики

Thursday, January 21, 2016


Bringing you guys a casual everyday look today, something that I wore a couple of days ago when It was warm and nice and the sun was shining - the complete opposite of the weather that we are having now. This scarf has been an absolute favorite this past autumn/winter, it has kept me warm and snug every single day, plus I adore the grid pattern, so this scarf always adds a more fashionable touch to every outfit. Oh and school begun today, so I'm having some winter break withdrawals YAY!
Photos by: Nick Ilievski 

Денес на блогот имаме една кежуал секојдневна комбинација, нешто што носев пред некој ден кога беше убаво и топличко, односно сосема спротивното од снегот кој го имаме моментално.
Овој шал ми е апсолутен фаворит за оваа есен/зима, ми држеше топло и на најладните денови, плус ја обожавам грид шемата која ја има, така да овој шал секогаш ми додава fashionable допир на секоја комбинација. А да, започнавме со школо денес и сфаќам колку всушност ми фали распуст, ЈЕЈ!
Фотографии: Никола Илиевски

Sunday, January 10, 2016


I am back! First post in 2016 can I get a woot woot! Happy new year and happy holidays, I hope you all had an amazing time with friends and family. I guess I had a mini vacation from blogging, but  posting will be back to normal from now on. Oh how I've missed it, but I guess this was just the thing I needed to come back with lots of new ideas and inspiration.
I have been really into monochrome outfits lately, and this gray sweater was my go to piece. Decided to do some swanky layering with a button up underneath, basic black jeans and black heels. Me and the photographer behind these awesome pics Nikola (check him out here) decided to shoot at the Contemporary Art Museum of Macedonia and I have to admit this place was such a pleasure to shoot at - no distractions and perfect lighting. We were definitely in luck with the weather, it was sunny and pleasant yet three days before there was snow.
Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the post.

Се вратив! Прв пост во 2016, скокам од среќа! Среќна Нова Година и среќни празници на сите, се надевам дека ги поминавте со фамилијата и пријателите, јадејќи, јадејќи и... јадејќи. Претпоставувам дека земав мал одмор од блогирањето, но се' се враќа во нормала од денес. Тоа што ме немаше е всушност добра работа затоа што сега се враќам со повеќе инспирација и идеи.
Во последно време најчесто одбирам монохроматски комбинации, и најчесто во нив се состои и овој сив џемпер. Решив да се навратам на старите времиња кога под секое џемперче носев и кошула, нешто што одамна немам направено. Јас и фотографот позади овие awesome фотографии Никола (за повеќе негови фотографии клик тука) решивме да сликаме кај Музеј на Современа Уметност и ова беше најдобрата одлука која ја имам направено во 2016 (за сега). Местово беше баш тоа што го барав - без дистракции и добро осветлување. Дефинитивно имавме среќа со временските услови, снегот кој го имавме три,четири дена пред ова не изгледаше баш ветувачки.
Како и да е, се надевам ќе ви се допадне постот.