Saturday, December 8, 2012

Weekly favorites.

So, i'm a little early with my weekly favorites because it's Saturday but i will be extremely busy tomorrow so it is better that i post this now than later!

I have an apology for you guys because i will not post anything till maybe Thursday. I have so much to study this upcoming week (including tomorrow) and i am in school from 1 pm to 8 pm so as i said, i will have absolutely NO free time to blog.

Hope you understand!

And now, to the actual point of this post, my favorites this past week have been:

1.Aura Mini Glossy
-I bought these two Aura mini lip glosses for 89 den. or 1 eur. and a half. I don't mind that they are small, they are the perfect size for me to put in my pocket or in my bag, and plus i don't like lip glosses that much, so as i said they are perfect!

The first one is a really beautiful red sheer color, great for putting it on top of a red lipstick, or wear it simply on its own. (number 52)
The second one is a more pinky/nude color, also great for giving your lipstick a nice shine. (number 67)

2.Black bow beanie
-It has been a life saver, since the weather here is freezing!
I don't have an exact picture of it, but it is very similar to the one in this picture,except it is all black.

3.Gray cardigan
- I don't know why i have not worn it more this couple of weeks, because i love it. It keeps me warm and it can be worn with almost everything.

xoxo Elena


  1. cardigani vo site boi i nema da se dosta...iskoristlivi se do maximum:)

  2. Please God, make this comment show up. -.-

    Ги подобриле значи Aura сјајчињава, а? Баш ми е драго. Јас пред 2 години купив едно мало вакво, демек да ми стои резервно во чанта и сирото тоа ми идеше да го треснам од ѕид. Му се изнарадував на бојата и кога ставив, оп нема никаде сјај. Сега да идам значи да ги испробам пак, зашто розевкастата нијанса ми фаќа окце.

    И патем, би била ли доволно срцка да ме известиш од каде е капчето? Јас имам 6-7 беретки и никогаш не ми е доста. Се осеќам како да имам фризура, а под неа сум бушава ко гнездо. :D

    1. Jas moeto go kupiv vo DM, i mislam deka se super. Isprobaj si go ;)
      A za kapceto, jas go kupiv kraj na avgust vo Teranova. Da da, i togas imaa nekolku kapcinja rasfrleni i bea po 90 denari. Sega neznam dali seuste imaat...

  3. Elena, your style is fabulous the hat is sooo cute - where is it from? Is it still in store?

    This is your invitation to Preshopp,

    It is a Fashion Micro-blogging app. It's for everyone to post a picture of themselves wearing what they just bought and telling us where it's from. The best bit about it all, is that the people with the most socially shared images will get a high Style Influence score - meaning discounts! We're inviting a select group of people to start growing their network and building their Style Influence, before the app is even released!!

    The invitation permits you to invite only 5 people - so chose them carefully as they will be the ones helping you to build a high Style Influence!

    Here's my email, if you have any questions

    Ijeoma :) x

  4. Одамна ги меркам сјајчињава ама некако се мислев дали да ги пробам, сега следни ми се на листа =)

    Капчиња сакам и јас ама за жал немам многу.

    1. Супер се, ама се знае - колку пари толку музика.

  5. nice cardigan and mix n match!:D

  6. Love your beanie!
