Thursday, December 31, 2015

December Playlist

Oh my god guys! Can you believe it's the 31st?!
I for sure can't, I'm just in that state of mind where I just don't feel like it's the end of the year. Oh well, I guess it will click when I have to fill out something and I write 2015 instead of 2016.
I was thinking about doing a super festive post but I was lacking inspiration and time, so the monthly playlist fit perfectly.
I listened to quite a few songs this past month so here they are.

I said in my previous playlist post that Justin Bieber's new album is uh-mazing and I am here with two new singles that made me jump around my room pretending I am in da club or whatever.
"Company" is my favorite from the whole album, it's just so damn catchy. And that duo from the video?! So cool! Up there with the faves is "No Sense". You've probably all heard it by now, so it makes no sense (haha get it?) for me to explain why I like it.

Moving onto another artist that I have been loving in December - Kiiara. You might remember her name from a previous playlist with the song "Gold" but today I present to you two more songs from this girl. She is amazing and I love the style of her music. "Feels"  is kind of a chill song with a more up beat background. The other song is "Tennessee" and when I first read the title I though Oh god is this a country song? When I heard it, it was the complete opposite from a country song, I even felt silly for thinking about it. It is in fact not about the state, but about a drink. Make sure to listen to it.

This is a song I have been listening to on and off for about two months, it's "Afterlife" by XYLO. This song definitely has the creepy factor to it. which I am always down for. The lyrics are interesting and It is a interesting listen over all.

The queen Banks got herself a spot on the playlist once again. I swear she never disappoints. This time it's all about "Better" and all about the build up. This song just hits me and that chorus I MEAN QUEEN! Her voice is all I need and more. Oh, and she posted a video on Instagram from the original chords from this song and I need that version in my life stat!

Up next is "The Beach" by The Neighbourhood - slowly but surely becoming one of my top 3 music bands. Their music is just so damn cool I sometimes feel like I'm too lame to listen to The Neighbourhood ya feel me?

Okay, decided to jump on board on the whole Kehlani train and I am loving it. I know I know I'm super late, but I don't really care, music is music and it's here to stay. Starting my obsession with "Jealous",and yes, I have already watched a ton of Kehlani interviews. Listen to her music peeps.

Last but not least is "She Knows" by J Cole. I have seen his name float around the interwebs and I decided to have a listen and "She knows" became an instant favorite.I don't usually listen to these kinds of songs but this song is sooo good! A must listen!

And that's it! I will definitely keep doing these playlists for as long as I have descent music to listen to. Make sure to click here for the whole playlist or click on the song titles individually.
I am ending this post with a quote that I really like - "Good music is music that makes you feel good"

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