Monday, May 25, 2015

May Playlist

May is about to end and that kind of (read: really!) freaks me out because that means the school year is over and we are all in panic mode about our grades and such. Plus, just the thought of not seeing all of the faces you usually see 5 days a week is pretty weird. And of course you think that you will still see all of your friends all day every day after school is over but you end up staying at home for about a month, going to sleep at 6 am. and getting up at 4 pm. Okay, so the goal is not to do that this summer! I will try to make the most of it, it is here now, it is written.
Onto the songs, I discovered so much stuff that I had to narrow down the list to the ones I listened to the most. Like, I discovered three amazing songs from this playlist in one day and that was in the beginning of the month... Here I have a variety (as always) of some upbeat songs and some slower ones, but this month I was definitely in jamming mode.

Starting off with my newest discovery - BANKS. I have seen her name appear on Youtube a couple of times but never really checked her out, and I honestly don't know why, her music is amazing! It definitely is different and I love that. I has an edgier sound, more dark and in a way seductive. Just hear her music and you will know what I'm rambling about. And if you are still not sold on Banks I will refer you to this video, just watch it and be amazed.
"This is what it feels like" was love at first hearing (Is that a thing?). I really like the music video, it makes ya wanna sing in an amazingly decorated house whilst there is a thunderstorm outside, ya feel? Music video aside, this song is so good.
"Brain" is one of those songs that only one person can sing (much to my dismay because I love to sing) and that person is Banks. It starts of all quiet and haunting and then BAM all out. I LOVE THAT!
"Dirty love" by Wilkinson who is one of my favourite drum'n'bass DJs. It's an upbeat song that is all around addictive.
"Resonance" was discovered right after Dirty love and at first I wasn't really into the song but the chorus part kicked in and i loved it. The video is super cute and makes you want to travel and stuff which I always seem to find myself attracted to. Nothing beats a "couple that travels around the world in a van accompanied by awesome music" video.
"Here" was sent to me by my friend/blog photographer Angela and I was addicted to it instantly. I knew Alessia Cara from her cover of Sweater weather (my fave cover of them all) but i didn't know that she had an original song so i was both surprised and pleased by that.
"Shine" by the baes Years & Years. In my last playlist post I said I would forever put them on my playlists as long as they have new music out and this month happened exactly that. I was surprised by this lovely cheerful tune. Also, they have a full album coming out soon, "Communion" ,but you can pre-order it if you want.
"Fantasy" is a well known song on Youtube, if you are into Youtubers and such. But if not, It is a funky, slow rhythm tune that truly makes you feel like you are in some kind of a fantasy haha.
 Now, for the next one I feel like I have to explain myself. I tend to not listen to the commercialized music that one would be sick off from the radio playing it too much and it be a chart topper. Aaand I don't really listen to Taylor Swift. With that being said "Bad blood" should not be on my playlist but it is.Like the rest of the world, the highly anticipated video intrigued me, I mean with those spoilers how can it not (the bae Zendaya is in it, I had to watch is solely because of that). And I watched it,loved it and was surprised by how much I liked the song itself, and I found myself playing it for 5 days straight.
And we have come to the last one of the bunch - "Lean on". You read DJ Snake and you think oh god not the Turn down for what guy again. Those were my thoughts too, but this song is actually good. It has a nice chorus and it makes you want to dance, so have a listen.

And that is it, I have to say I really enjoy writing these little reviews and making the playlist (with that,discovering new music). I also hope you enjoy these posts and that they give you something new to listen to.
 As per usual, click here for the whole playlist on Youtube and you can also click on the titles of the songs to listen to them separately. 
Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Last weeks post was an all blue combo, this this it's an all grey. I am such a rebel haha (not really).
Had a lovely blogger meet up with Marija from Fabulous is freedom and Sara from Sarademode and we had a lovely time, just doing stuff that bloggers usually do like chatting over some coffee and of course taking some photos.
The little bow socks are my absolute fave, and I was of course saving them for an outfit in which they would stand out, plus boots and socks are a super cute pair.
Hope you like it.

Минатата недела се беше околу целосно плавата комбинација, а овој пат околу целосно сива. Наредната ќе биде целосно црвена.. не не, се шегувам, не би ви го направила тоа хаха.
Излеговме со Марија од Fabulous is freedom и Сара од Sarademode  на блогерско собирање кое помина супер. Има нешто многу задоволувачки во ова што блогерството ни го пружи, а тоа е меѓусебно дружење и тоолку многу заеднички мислења покрај кои никогаш нема да ти е досадно, и се чувстуваваш како да си се нашол со некој стар пријател иако можеби за прв пат се среќавате. Океј, ова на страна, се разбира и дека се сликнавме.
Чорапчињава со мала панделка ми се преслатки, и го чекав вистинското време со вистинската кобинација.
Се надевам ќе ви се допадне.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

On a denim kick

Lately I have been loving the whole denim on denim look. Even though the hype began months ago I
only got around to actually wearing it recently. I know there must be a rule somewhere on how to pair denim on denim and if you can only pair light wash with light wash, or dark with dark or even dark with light but I honestly don't care because I think that every combination looks awesome. I chose the light option, with black details like the flats,belt and backpack.
Hope you like it.

Од скоро почнав многу да го сакам тој "целосно тексасен" (преведов уби боже) изглед. Иако како тренд е присутен уште од одамна, не го практикував до сега. Знам дека некаде мора да има правило за како може "успешно" да се носи овој тренд и дали може да се комбинира само светол тексас со светол или темен со темен или пак темен со светол. Но, искрено, јас не би се држела до овие правила затоа што мислам дека секоја комбинација изгледа супер.
Овој пат ја одбрав светлата варијанта, со црни детали како балетанките,каивчето и ранецот.
Се надевам ќе ви се допадне.

Monday, May 4, 2015


So, this post is probably in my top 3 posts of all time. I have had these photos for a week now and I kept posting teasers on my facebook page and Instagram because I was so excited to share them. Big thanks to Marija from Fabulous Is Freedom, not only for the photos but for the patience when we were trying to find the perfect location.
I bought this kimono from Forever21 whilst in Vienna and this purchase was a spur of the moment. I knew that I wanted to come home with a kimono, there was no question about it, so when I found this one I was like Ok, it's not gonna get any better than this. So, here I am today, with flowers on me and in my background.
Hope you like it.

Овој пост е дефинитивно во моите топ 3 омилени постови. Ги имав сликиве повеќе од 1 недела и бев премногу возбудена да ги споделам, и цело време постирав слики на мојата фејсбук страна и Инстаграм. Големо благодарам до Марија од Fabulous Is Freedom, не само за сликите туку и за трпението кога ја баравме совршената локација. За локациите мислам дека сум најпребирлива од се. Навистина мислам дека со добра и соодветна локација, финалниот производ ќе биде многу подобар.
Го купив ова кимоно од Forever21 додека бев во Виена и одлуката да го купам беше тотално случајна. Знаев дека сакав да се вратам дома со кимоно, тоа не беше прашање, така да кога го најдов ова бев како Океј, нема да најдам нешто подобро од ова. Така да, еве сум денес, со цвеќиња на мене и во мојата позадина.
Се надевам ќе ви се допадне.