Thursday, December 31, 2015

December Playlist

Oh my god guys! Can you believe it's the 31st?!
I for sure can't, I'm just in that state of mind where I just don't feel like it's the end of the year. Oh well, I guess it will click when I have to fill out something and I write 2015 instead of 2016.
I was thinking about doing a super festive post but I was lacking inspiration and time, so the monthly playlist fit perfectly.
I listened to quite a few songs this past month so here they are.

I said in my previous playlist post that Justin Bieber's new album is uh-mazing and I am here with two new singles that made me jump around my room pretending I am in da club or whatever.
"Company" is my favorite from the whole album, it's just so damn catchy. And that duo from the video?! So cool! Up there with the faves is "No Sense". You've probably all heard it by now, so it makes no sense (haha get it?) for me to explain why I like it.

Moving onto another artist that I have been loving in December - Kiiara. You might remember her name from a previous playlist with the song "Gold" but today I present to you two more songs from this girl. She is amazing and I love the style of her music. "Feels"  is kind of a chill song with a more up beat background. The other song is "Tennessee" and when I first read the title I though Oh god is this a country song? When I heard it, it was the complete opposite from a country song, I even felt silly for thinking about it. It is in fact not about the state, but about a drink. Make sure to listen to it.

This is a song I have been listening to on and off for about two months, it's "Afterlife" by XYLO. This song definitely has the creepy factor to it. which I am always down for. The lyrics are interesting and It is a interesting listen over all.

The queen Banks got herself a spot on the playlist once again. I swear she never disappoints. This time it's all about "Better" and all about the build up. This song just hits me and that chorus I MEAN QUEEN! Her voice is all I need and more. Oh, and she posted a video on Instagram from the original chords from this song and I need that version in my life stat!

Up next is "The Beach" by The Neighbourhood - slowly but surely becoming one of my top 3 music bands. Their music is just so damn cool I sometimes feel like I'm too lame to listen to The Neighbourhood ya feel me?

Okay, decided to jump on board on the whole Kehlani train and I am loving it. I know I know I'm super late, but I don't really care, music is music and it's here to stay. Starting my obsession with "Jealous",and yes, I have already watched a ton of Kehlani interviews. Listen to her music peeps.

Last but not least is "She Knows" by J Cole. I have seen his name float around the interwebs and I decided to have a listen and "She knows" became an instant favorite.I don't usually listen to these kinds of songs but this song is sooo good! A must listen!

And that's it! I will definitely keep doing these playlists for as long as I have descent music to listen to. Make sure to click here for the whole playlist or click on the song titles individually.
I am ending this post with a quote that I really like - "Good music is music that makes you feel good"

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Grey scale

I can't believe it's almost the end of 2015, how crazy is that? This upcoming week I have a couple of exciting things planned which I hope you will find out about soon.
I decided to go for a casual yet not so casual look, with a super cool background. It just reminded me of Divergent for some reason haha.
I hope you enjoy the post!

Уште малку и веќе е крај на 2015, колку е тоа лудо? Нареднава недела е многу возбудлива за мене, многу работи се случуваат, за кои ќе дознаете со надеж наскоро.
Обично тука пишувам реченица две за комбинацијата но би сакала да поразговарам за нешто за што обично не зборувам затоа што вие го гледате крајниот резултат односно сликите, но не знаете што се случува позади сликите. Со оглед на тоа дека сме 21 век и сликањето е прилично нормална и секојдневна работа, нашиот македонски менталитет очигледно е заглавен некаде порано. Сигурна сум дека сите други блогерки знаат за што зборувам, а тоа е недоличното довикување, свиркање,ѕверење и слично. Не, не е пријатно кога некој од страна ти поставува глупави прашања од типот Зошто се сликате? или пак Еј види ги се сликаат! и мојот "фаворит" Супер си! И зошто луѓето ја чувствуваат потребата да застанат и да гледаат? Не да фрлат поглед, туку целосно да сопрат и да се приближат ,за нели, да имаат подобар поглед. Не градиме ракета овде, се сликаме. И фактот дека кога некој обично се слика за на блог сака да изгледа попретставително од обично, да се дотера и слично, не помага.Се надевам дека наскоро луѓето ќе се навикнат на оваа глетка како да е дел од секојдневието, затоа што и е.
Голем благодарност до Сара од блогот за сликите, исто така благодарност до момците кои довикуваа, и се разбира чуварот од другата страна кој не можеше да го тргне погледот бидејќи сигурна сум дека ова беше највозбудливата работа која му се има случено оваа недела.
Се надевам ќе ви се допадне постот.

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Hello again!
As you can see, I am a cat now. It all started on a cold November night when i was browsing the webs for one purpose only: shopping! I stumbled upon this bowler hat and I thought "Hmm can I pull this hat off? Might as well try." And a month later here we are. I was going to buy some cat tights as well but I had to stop myself from buying all cat themed things on the internet. For this post decided to go for a monochrome look, with the red lipstick being the pop of color. I have been loving red lips lately, they are my go-to choice for when your outfit looks a little dull.
Hope you enjoy.

Како што можете да забележите, јас сум сега мачка. Ова би било погоден момент да си ја замислите "Мачка со девет животи" од Маја Гроздановска како пее во позадина.
Се започна една ладна ноемвриска ноќ кога барав на нешто да ги потрошам парите од картичката за онлајн купување, и го најдов ова преслатко шеширче. Јас, како голем љубител на различни видови на капи и шешири, решив да си ја купам, но морав да се воздржам при купување на хулахопките со мачки и маичката со мачка и што уште не затоа што... не. И еве сме еден месец подоцна, јас, капчето, монохроматска комбинација и црвен кармин.
Се надевам ќе ви се допадне постот.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

November Playlist

Okay I admit I am super late with the monthly playlist, I have just been putting it off for so long, but hey, 2 AM on a Sunday is the perfect timing to write it. I guess this past month I haven't been into finding a lot of new songs, I just listened to whatever. But that doesn't mean that the songs on this playlist didn't leave an impact on me. So, let's begin!

"I do this for you" by Marlene, I listened to this song on and there was something about the name of the artist and her voice that sounded very familiar to me, and then I remembered that I listened to a song called "Stay Awake" by Marlene about 2 or more years ago so this was like coming back to an old friend in a way haha.This song is super powerful, her vocals are really really good.

Since I didn't know what to listen to in the begging of November I revisited one of my all time favorite songs by Ed Sheeran - "Give me love". I'm sure probably everyone and their mother knows this song by now and are probably sick of it, but not me. I could probably listen to this song till the day I die, I mean come on that part that starts at 3:28 and that build up I CAN'T EVEN IT TOUCHES MY SOUL. It's just the perfect song for gloomy dark weather... and when your soul needs to be touched of course.

My boy Troye announced a new album and I was all kinds of excited. He went on to release "Youth" and I cried tears of joy. Ok I didn't but I was super into it. If the rest of the songs are as amazing as this one (which I don't doubt) then "Blue Neighbourhood" will be perfect!

I'm sure I'm not the first one (and the last) to admit that Justin Bieber's new album is the bomb dot com. He has changed his sound completely and I must say I am a fan. "I'll show you" was an instant hit with me, but can we just talk about that video for a second. Like... WHAT??? I knew Iceland was beautiful but holy guacamole, it is me who needs to run on those fields and visit those waterfalls, not Justin.

Voyeur by Aywy. is a masterpiece by itself in my opinion. It is not everyone's cup of tea and many probably won't understand why I love this song so much, so I will just leave it to you to be the judge. Now, the way that I found this song ( a few months back I might add, and this month I became obsessed with it again) is a bit... i don't know... strange? Weird? Unusual? Basic white girl-ish? It was in the background of a make up tutorial, there I said it. Amazing tutorial I might add, one of my faves, you can check it out here.

And last but not least - "Warm Water". I know that I just can't go wrong with Banks, so I picked a random song of hers to listen and became obsessed. Like, 24/7 on repeat "posted it on my Facebook" kind of obsessed. Some of you may wonder, what is so special about this song? And I will answer, I don't know. There is something about her vocals that mesmerizes me every time, plus the melody of the chorus is catchy, even though I can't understand a single word she is saying.

And that is all folks, click HERE to listen to the full playlist on Youtube or click on the song titles individually. Byeeee!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

3rd Blog Birthday!

Yep, you read the title right! Shy But Secretly Fabulous turned 3! Well, it turned 3 on the 1st of December but hey now it's official!
Honestly, I just keep pinching myself and thinking Wow, has it really been 3 years already? In times like these I just reflect on everything I have accomplished with the blog and the most amazing things that I have done/experienced.
Of course the first thing that comes to mind are the amazing friendships that have blossomed from this "hobby" with people who share the same interests as me, with whom I never thought I would find so much common ground. New friendships were made and old ones were solidified. My blog has made me come out of my shell so much and gave me more confidence than ever, but I guess it took 3 years for me to realize that.
Here is a little rundown of the amazing things that happened since last December:
I started two new segments on this blog in order to make it more personal - "A trip to..." travel posts & "Monthly Playlist" music posts. Part of my travel posts were my trips to Prague and Dresden (part of my 2015 excursion) and those posts are something that I will treasure forever and look back on.
I was lucky enough to be a part of the super amazing super nerve wrecking challenge with Avon Cosmetics, where I filmed a video tutorial for their Youtube Channel , and guys this was legit and probably one of the coolest things I have done so far. Click here to see the post about that.
Speaking of challenges, the most recent one which I'm sure you all know is the Fossil & My:time Fashion Bloggers Challenge where I made it to the second round. The competition was tough but I am so pleased with how the posts turned out and I just want to thank all of you who took the time to vote for me. Also, to the new readers who discovered my blog through the Fossil Challenge, HELLO! Well, that wasn't lame... Ooh and the challenge is still going on so head over to to vote!
A big part this year for the blog played Biljana Klisarova aka Captured by Klisarova. Some of my favorite posts were shot by her, and she just keeps getting better and better. I can't wait to see what's next for her, because her talent is unbelievable.
Whilst on the topic of photographers, I would like to thank my friends/photographers Nikola Ilievski, Angela Petrovska (the real MVP, with SBSF since the beginning), Marija Stojkovska from Fabulous Is Freedom and Filip Stefanovski for basically making my dreams come true, since I don't own a proper camera myself.
I was part of two workshops: the first one was the SNKR City Workshop where I had a blast making some plain jane sneakers into art, and the second one was "The voice of Fashion" workshop at "Paratissima" leaded by Tea Mitrovska from A cup of Tea. 
I collaborated with "Nakit od Patenti" for this amazing post shot by Captured by Klisarova.
And last but not least, I attended the FWSK A/W fashion shows and covered some of them, in addition to a couple of outfit posts.

I would like to thank You, the readers, for making me all happy inside with every view, comment, share or feedback.You are all a part of this blog, whether you realize it or not.

Photography: Sara Simplified  Doodles: Angela Petrovska 

За постов да не биде 300 метри долг, македонски превод нема да има, но во кратки црти Ви благодарам на сите што. иако не сте свесни за тоа, сте дел од овој блог. Можеби звучи многу клише, но секој преглед, коментар, споделување и слично многу ми значи.

Фотографија: Sara Simplified Цртежи: Angela Petrovska