Sunday, June 28, 2015

June Playlist

Another month has passed so that means it's time for my monthly playlist *wohoo* !
First of all, I have to admit I am IN LOVE with the playlist picture, it makes me that more excited for summer and vacation, which brings me to a bit of a life update for those of you who are interested.
I have been a busy girl lately, I started working and haven't had a lot of time for blog photo shooting (but, there will be an outfit post up in a couple of days that I shot a while back). Buuut, exciting things are happening in July and I honestly can't wait. I am going on vacation with my family and after that on a vacation with my friends, so expect a bunch of posts from the sea side.
Onto the playlist, this month i guess I kind of failed because nor did I have time to listen to a lot of music, nor did I find a lot of cool new music. The ones that I did listen to are real chill and here they are.

I went to the OneRepublic concert on the 1st of June and oh my god. Everything was perfection and I can't even begin to explain why. From the stage setup to the amazing live performances of songs that we all know and love, this night was definitely one I will remember forever. One song that I didn't know was "Can't Stop" and I don't know why because it is amazing.When they performed it I remember thinking Wow this song is soo good! And for the first time in my life, I can say that a live performance is better than the studio version.But, I came home and listened to it, was a bit mad that I didn't know it for the concert, and then listened to it some more. And now I have PCDS (Post Concert Depression Syndrome).

"Do You Remember" is such a cool laid back song. It was love at first hearing haha. Most of the comments on the video are about the amazing cinematography and I honestly agree with all of them.

"Talk Is Cheap" was introduced to me by Marigo (the lovely girl from this post). Just like "Do You Remember" it's a chill song, perfect for listening to on the bus.

Now, "Foundation" is reaaally different to the other Y&Y songs. It reminds me so much of Banks' "Brain". It has a slow build up and It doesn't really have the typical song lyric style. There is a lot of repetition and I kind of love it. I did some research on the song and the video (it's real creepy) and this song is the first track on their new debut album, so i guess it is like a prologue to what we will see in the rest of the album (plus, the song is called Foundation, duh). Even though it's short I love the darkness in the song and Olly's amazing vocals.

"The Hills"...All hail the king! Finally a new song am I right?! I listened to this song probably since about two months ago, when he performed it at Coachella and it was still called "Mood Music", and I was left with nothing but a recording from some person from the live performance. I waited and waited and waited for the studio version and finally it came out! Now, I am very displeased about the interpretations of the video aka the meaning behind it. It all comes down to one hypothesis: He is giving in to the mainstream. (The car flipping and exploding is him deciding to change, the two girls who are holding him back are either his fans or his two previous albums, and him going up to the house and the stairs is him giving in and at the top he finds what is expecting him when he becomes internationally famous, mostly bad things). I love that he made us really think about the message he is giving though the video, but I don't like it one bit...

And the last one is "Remeber Me'' - probably the most summer-y song of them all. They played it again and again on the radio, but I don't really mind. It's the perfect summer song, light and makes you wanna dance.

And that is all for this month! Here you can find all of the songs in my Youtube playlist, or you can click on the titles to hear the songs that you want to hear.

Wow, I can get quite chatty when talking about music. This time, I want to know what are the songs you have been loving? Leave them in the comments, and I will for sure have a listen!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Work of art

For today's post I have the photos that we took whilst we were at Paratissima,at "The voice of fashion" workshop. After running around MKC searching for different locations for our shoot with Marigo, we came across this exhibition from different Macedonian artists and I immediately knew I had to shoot for a post here. 
I decided to wear the same dress from my shoot with Biljana earlier this month, but with an edgier touch, like the hat and the belt. 
Hope you like it,

Во денешниот пост имам неколку слики од нашата мини фотосесија додека бевме на Паратисима, односно на "Гласот на модата" работилницата. После трчањето околу МКЦ барајќи различни локации за сликањето со Мариго, ја видов оваа изложба во една од салите, од различни македонски сликари, и веднаш знаев дека сакам да имам пост од ова место.
Решив да го носам истиот фустан кој го носев за сликањето со Билјана, но со поразлични аксесоари како шеширот и каивчето.
Се надевам ќе ви се допадне.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Skopje Street Festival | Day 2 OOTD

In my previous post I showed you how I made my own custom sneakers at the Custom sneaker Workshop. Today, I am showing you how I styled them for day 2 of Skopje Street Festival.
Day 2 was a lot more laid back than day 1. I chose the sneakers to be the main point of the look and went for a white top tied at the waist, high waisted jeans, some jewelry and some flash tattoos. I have been loving flash tattoos so much recently, sorry I do not have a nice close up photo of them, but I will most definitely have in my next posts.
Hope you like it.

Во мојот пред последен пост ви покажав како направив мои custom патики во Дојди на custom патика Работилницата. Денес, ви покажувам како ги искомбинирав истите, за ден 2 од Скопје Стрит Фестивал.
Ден 2 беше многу повеќе релаксирачки од ден 1. Решив патиките да бидат на првото место во комбинацијава и ги искомбинирав со бела маичка врзана на половината, фармерки со висок струк, малку накит и флаш тетоважи. Во последно време обожавам флаш тетоважи, многу ми се кул и додаваат некој интересен детал на секој изглед. Немам фотографија за да ги видите тетоважите од овој пост од поблиску, но дефинитивно ќе имам во наредните постови.
Се надевам ќе ви се допадне.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Style as a form of Art

Art is an ever changing term so why should our personal style be a form of art?
In art one is constantly expressing himself and when we look in our own personal style, we too are expressing ourselves. So what would happen if one would to mix the two types of art together?
At "The voice of fashion" Workshop (аs a part of "Paratissima" - an International Contemporary Art Fair devoted to the support and promotion of culture, art and creative industries) leaded by Tea Mitrovska also known as My cup of Tea we were given the chance to create blog posts that had a deeper meaning to them. We chose style as a form of art. My team had the lovely Angela and Marigo, and with Angela being the photographer for the post, we decided that (the awesomely cool) Marigo would be the model so she can showcase her underground artist style with three outfits that complimented the art/location in the photo.
With Marigo's style we had the opportunity to dive into something that was quite unknown to us. I usually never post someone else on theblog, and Marigo had never been on a blog.
We had such fun three days and I am so glad I was a part of it.

Во денешно време уметност е термин кој постојано се менува, па зошто не би бил нашиот личен стил еден вид на уметничка форма? Во уметноста, човекот постојано се искажува себеси, и кога би погледнале во нашиот личен стил ние исто така се изразуваме себеси. Но, што би се случило ако овие два типа на уметност ги споиме?
На Работилницата "Гласот на модата" (како дел од "Паратисима" - интернационален саем на уметност посветен на поддршка и промоција на културата, уметноста и креативните индустрии) водена од Теа Митровска исто така позната како My cup of Tea ни беше дадека шанса да креираме блог постови кои имаат подлабоко значење во нив. Ние го одбравме стилот како уметничка форма. Мојот тим ги имаше прекрасните Ангела и Мариго, и со Ангела како фотограф за постот, решивме дека Мариго ќе биде моделот кој ќе ги прикаже својот андерграунд уметнички стил со 3 различни комбинации што ја комплиментираат уметноста/локацијата на сликата и при тоа ќе може целосно да се добие тој спој на различни но сепак слични видови на уметност. Со стилот на Мариго имавме можност да пробаме нешто ново - јас до сега не сум постирала нечиј друг стил на блогот, а Мариго до сега не била на блог.
Имавме многу забавни моменти овие три дена и многу ми е мило што бев дел од ваков прекрасен евент.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Skopje Street Festival | SNKR City Workshop

A couple of days ago was the 2-day hip hop/street culture extravaganza known as Skopje Street Festival, where all people, young and old, come together and enjoy the street culture. Every year in June at our city park, we get to see lots of interesting things such as hip hop dance battles (my favorite part), basketball games, graffiti artists (this year they painted a whole bus, it was awesome), parkour, and cool music from artists such as LTJ Bukem and others.
This year, for the first time, there was a Custom sneaker Workshop where you could bring old sneakers and make them new again. I did not have a pair of old sneakers so I bought some canvas shoes that did a swell job. I went with my blog photographer/bestie Angela and we had an awesome time, trying out different designs with all of the cool acrylic paint that was given to us. At first, we struggled with what to actually do to our sneakers but I ended up going with a splatter design on the front of the sneaker and Angela went all out with bold green and blue colors on hers.
All in all, this was an awesome way to start out our Skopje Street Festival experience. In the next post, which will be an OOTD edition from the festival, you get to see how I styled these bad boys (I would personally call them pretty princesses, but oh well).
Hope you enjoy.

Пред неколку дена беше екстраваганзата наречена Скопје Стрит Фестивал, фестивал кој се врти околу урбаната улична уметност и уличната култура. 2 дена се журкавме во Градски парк со многу добра музика во живо, хип хоп битки, графити, натпревари по кошарка и многу други интересни работи. Меѓу тие работи беше и Работилницата за Custom патики од страна на Snkr City на која ја присуствував заедно со мојот блог фотограф/нај другарка Ангела. Целта на оваа работилница беше на старите патики (во наш случај нови) да им се даде нов изглед со помош на нашите цртачки способности. Со Ангела сменивме многу дизајни се додека не завршивме со ова што го гледате на сликите. Јас се решив за повеќебоен распрскан изглед, а Ангела беше храбра и целосно ги обои патиките со зелено и плаво. Целата работилница беше многу интересна и дефинитивно ново искуство кое ќе се памети.
За да погледнете како ги искомбинирав моите патичиња за вториот ден од Скопје Стрит Фестивал, вратете се на блогот за неколку дена.
Се надевам ќе ви се допадне.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Little White Dress

Long time no see. But, I am coming back today with these amazing photos by the wonderful and super talented photographer Biljana Klisarova. Both I and Marija had the pleasure of being her models for the day and spent a hot afternoon in the Old Bazaar in Skopje, walking around and taking lots of photos. I have to admit, choosing which photos are going up on the blog was probably the hardest task, so I am not regretting the amount of photos that I will be sharing, they are just too good.
Don't forget to check out Biljana and her amazing photography HERE.
Hope you like it.

Долго време немам постирано, знам. Но, се враќам со овие прекрасни фотографии направени од страна на талентираната фотографка Билјана Клисарова. Заедно со Марија ја имавме можноста да бидеме нејзини модели за денот и поминавме едно топло попладне шетајќи низ Чаршија и сликајќи се. Морам да признаам, бирањето на тоа кои фотографии ќе бидат објавени на блогот беше најтешкиот дел, така да немам извинување за бројот на фотографии кои се во овој пост, сите беа премногу добри.
Не заборавајте да ги погледнете фантастичните фотографии на Билјана ОВДЕ.
Се надевам ќе ви се допадне.